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∎ Read Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books

Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books

Download As PDF : Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books

Download PDF Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books

Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books

This book was published backwards. It is in Arabic print and the pages read like a book that is published in English. No complaints about the story itself, the product is just poorly produced. The publishers did not take into account that Arabic is written and read from right to left and thus the pages should follow suit. The picture shown as the cover is actually meant to be the back of the book, which is in the correct spot, but the pages start from the end to the beginning going backwards, the correct format for a book written in English.

Read Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books

Tags : Under the Midmorning Sun (Arabic Edition) [Ibrahim Nasrallah] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.,Ibrahim Nasrallah,Under the Midmorning Sun (Arabic Edition),Arab Scientific Publishers,9953876266,379789953876269

Under the Midmorning Sun Arabic Edition Ibrahim Nasrallah 9789953876269 Books Reviews

This book was published backwards. It is in Arabic print and the pages read like a book that is published in English. No complaints about the story itself, the product is just poorly produced. The publishers did not take into account that Arabic is written and read from right to left and thus the pages should follow suit. The picture shown as the cover is actually meant to be the back of the book, which is in the correct spot, but the pages start from the end to the beginning going backwards, the correct format for a book written in English.
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